Tag: Vata

Ayurvedic Recipe for Vata, Pitta & Kapha | Kerala Vlog | Harathi Ganesh

Ayurvedic Recipes for Vata, Pitta & Kapha | Kerala Vlog | Harathi Ganesh #harathiganesh #ayurveda #trending #food #health ...


This unique oatmeal I made follows the Ayurvedic recipe to cut back overactivity within the Vata Dosha which has a big impact on the ...

Ayurvedic Recipes | Sweet Potato Lentil Shepherds Pie | Vata & Pitta balancing | Samyuktha Diaries

Ayurvedic food plan helps you retain your body and mind in balance and helps you burn the surplus fat and thus ends in healthy weight ...

Vata Breakfast 🥣 Ayurvedic Oatmeal Recipe

Vata breakfast recipe is warm Ayurvedic oatmeal. To ground vata dosha, warm and moist foods are most ideal during vata season ...

Ayurvedic Medicine for ANXIETY | Vata Tea Recipe

Ayurvedic Medicine for anxiety all starts with the herbs! This vata tea recipe will profit and balance the vata dosha. For an ...

Pitta & Vata pacifying Rice Kheer | Ayurvedic | Sattvic recipe

Hello friends On this video I shall be showing you guys the best way to make Pitta & Vata pacifying rice kheer What's Pitta & Vata pacifying?

Ayurvedic Recipes | Tridoshic Quinoa Mung Dosa | Vata, Pitta & Kapha Balancing | Samyuktha Diaries

This delicious Quinoa Mung Dosa is Tridoshic, it balances your hormones and soothes the nevervous system. It also reduces ...

Ayurvedic Tea Recipe for Vata Dosha

Hey! It's winter again. You realize what meaning? It's Vata season! Everythings cold, dry & achy. So, today we created this Vata ...

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