Tag: Positive

Sattvic Food | Desi Hakka Noodles Recipe | Restaurant Style Noodles at Home | Positive Pranic

Taste the Isha Yogic Food at Your Home Health Advantages : 1. Good for Your Bones 2. Good Source of Iron 3. Heart health 4.

Positive pranic

Hi, I'm Julia, and that is my Positive Pranic Project. For those who have an interest to see a negative and positive pranic food list, you possibly can ...

Positive pranic, Negative Pranic & Zero Pranic foods | Sattvic foods,Rajasic foods & Tamasic foods

The food we eat not only nourishes the Body but in addition affects our 'Mind' and 'Emotions'. With consistent and dedicated attention to ...

Isha Carrot salad | Yogic Food regimen | Positive Pranic Meal

A whole meal with NO Onion, No Garlic, No green chillies No Asafetida. Note red chillies could be used moderately as per ...

Positive Pranic meal 3 | Yogic Weight loss program | Isha Salad | Vegan

An entire meal with NO Onion, No Garlic, No green chillies No Asafetida No milk products. Please note Red chilled remains to be added ...

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