Tag: Pitta

Ayurvedic Recipe for Vata, Pitta & Kapha | Kerala Vlog | Harathi Ganesh

Ayurvedic Recipes for Vata, Pitta & Kapha | Kerala Vlog | Harathi Ganesh #harathiganesh #ayurveda #trending #food #health ...

The way to stay cool in the course of the warm Pitta season | Ayurvedic cooking in the summertime

The way to stay cool in the course of the warm Pitta season | Ayurvedic cooking in the summertime In the summertime temperatures can rise ...

Ayurvedic Recipes | Sweet Potato Lentil Shepherds Pie | Vata & Pitta balancing | Samyuktha Diaries

Ayurvedic food plan helps you retain your body and mind in balance and helps you burn the surplus fat and thus ends in healthy weight ...

Pitta & Vata pacifying Rice Kheer | Ayurvedic | Sattvic recipe

Hello friends On this video I shall be showing you guys the best way to make Pitta & Vata pacifying rice kheer What's Pitta & Vata pacifying?

Ayurvedic Summer Eating regimen – The Pitta Eating regimen

A variety of people do not know their “prakriti” One and all has a special 'prakriti' which results in different people feeling different ...

Ayurvedic Recipes | Tridoshic Quinoa Mung Dosa | Vata, Pitta & Kapha Balancing | Samyuktha Diaries

This delicious Quinoa Mung Dosa is Tridoshic, it balances your hormones and soothes the nevervous system. It also reduces ...

Pitta Dosha Kitchari Recipe | Ayurvedic Recipes & Cooking | Cleanse Recipe

For the total written recipe and detailed instructions, try our website: Pitta dosha responds ...

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