Tag: Diet

Sattvic Bhojan – an Ayurvedic weight loss program meal recipe | Onmanorama Food

This Sattvic Bhojan, a Healthy platter put together by Ajeeth Janardhananan, Executive Chef, and Dr. Anitha Manoj, Assistant Spa ...

This One Food regimen Can Cure Every Disease | Subah Saraf | Satvic Movement

Join the 21-Day Ultimate Health Challenge Dates: third - twenty third April, 6 -7 AM IST on a regular basis. Click here to know more ...

What’s Sattvik Weight loss plan? || Dr. Hansaji Yogendra

Everyone may be very inquisitive about Sattvik Food, it's a healthful food with all of the nutrients our body needs. Sattvik food tastes just ...

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